Monday 20 May 2013

Mononucleosis disease aka Kissing disease

What is mononucleosis or the kissing disease?

You’ve heard of the kiss of death, and let me tell you that getting mononucleosis (or the kissing disease, as it’s sometimes called) feels nearly as bad.

what is mononucleosis?                                 * The Epstein-Barr virus causes mononucleosis, and it’s transmitted through saliva.

How can you get it?
* You can get mono through kissing or sharing cups or silverware with someone who has the virus. You can also get it if someone with mono coughs or sneezes near you–and some of their saliva reaches you. ICK!

* You’re most likely to get mononucleosis as a teen or young adult.

The symptoms include:                                 * Feeling crazy tired and weak, having a sore throat, a fever, swollen glands in your armpits and neck, a headache, and more.

Treatment                                                      * There’s no medication that can make mononucleosis go away faster. All you can do is rest and drink tons of fluids to flush out that nasty virus.

* In super rare cases, having mono could make your spleen burst open (youch!). If you know you’ve got the virus, and you feel a sharp pain all of a sudden on the left side of your rib cage, call your doctor immediately.

* The good news is that once you’ve had mononucleosis, you can’t get it again.

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